Category: Binding

  • Case and Bradel binding

    Ccc A Bradel binding (also called a bonnet or bristol board binding, a German Case binding, or in French as Cartonnage à la Bradel or en gist) is a style of book binding with a hollow back. It most resembles a case binding in that it has a hollow back and visible joint, but unlike…

  • Islamic bookbinding

  • Japanese bookbinding

    Ccc Cccc Ccc      

  • Coptic Binding

    Coptic binding Coptic binding or Coptic sewing comprises methods of bookbinding employed by early Christians in Egypt, the Copts, and used from as early as the 2nd century AD to the 11th century.[1][2] The term is also used to describe modern bindings sewn in the same style. Coptic bindings, the first true codices, are characterized…

  • Coptic binding