• Japanese Calligraphy forthcoming

    Overview of Japanese calligraphy forthcoming.

  • Zen Aesthetics and Art

    Zen Buddhism’s emphasis on simplicity and the importance of the natural world generated a distinctive aesthetic, which is expressed by the terms wabi and sabi. influenced by Mahayana Buddhist philosophy, particularly acceptance and contemplation of the imperfection, constant flux and impermanence of all things.

  • Japanese Colour Theories

    The traditional colours of Japan are a collection of colours traditionally used in Japanese art, literature, textiles such as kimono, and other Japanese arts and crafts. Standardisation of the Japanese colour wheel was conducted around 600AD and western recognition of it was as late as the mid-19th century, because Japan was largely secluded from the rest of the globe until that time.  …

Cross between Zen minimalism, off-centre balance and Pokemon playfulness with very crowded collage.



For more on my study of Japanese design, art and illustration see my post on my Illustration blog: Japanese Styles