Tag: children

  • Sara Fanelli

    Sara Fanelli


  • Children’s Publishing

    Children’s publishing is a good example of the range of design approaches, with design styles adapted to suit the range of ages, from learner readers through to the teen and young adult market.

    Early reading books need to be robust – large, sturdy board books with
    thick pages strong enough to withstand heavy handling by toddlers.

    Young children’s books have a small amount of text per page, usually in rounded, easily readable typeface – like Garamond, for example – to encourage letter recognition.

    lllustrations play an important role, adding interest and providing scope for interactivity, as these books are often written and designed to be read aloud. The children’s market is alivewith vibrant, playful and fantastic book illustrations which do more than merely accompany the text; they are embedded and integral to the overall design. As a child’s reading improves, so the amount of text increases accordingly, through to the teenage and young adult audience.